Product Sustainability

SIV Impact is dedicated to helping brands enhance their product sustainability, creating significant value through a comprehensive and strategic approach. Our expertise, combined with advanced tools and strategic partnerships, ensures that we deliver impactful and actionable solutions.

  • 1. Comprehensive Environmental Assessment

    We conduct thorough evaluations of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) by assessing the entire lifecycle of products. This includes sourcing raw materials, production processes, product use, and end-of-life disposal. By identifying key areas for improvement, we help brands reduce their environmental impact, improve resource efficiency, and achieve sustainability goals.

    2. Sustainable Material Integration

    We guide brands in selecting and integrating environmentally preferred materials, such as recycled content, biobased polymers, and other sustainable alternatives. This not only reduces the environmental footprint but also meets consumer demand for eco-friendly products, enhancing brand reputation and market competitiveness.

    3. Advancing Circular Economy Practices

    SIV Impact promotes circularity by helping brands design products for durability, repairability, and recyclability. We implement take-back programs, encourage the use of recycled materials, and develop closed-loop systems. These practices reduce waste, conserve resources, and create new economic opportunities from end-of-life products.

    4. Strategic Partnership with PEFTRUST

    Our collaboration with PEFTRUST provides access to state-of-the-art Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools, enabling precise environmental impact analyses. With digital LCAs, we offer data-driven insights that guide sustainability strategies, ensuring transparency and high standards of environmental performance.

    SIV Impact creates value by providing comprehensive environmental assessments, integrating sustainable materials, advancing circular economy practices, leveraging strategic partnerships, and delivering customized, innovative solutions. Our approach not only meets the demands of today's conscious consumers but also positions brands for long-term success and sustainability leadership.

Supply Chain Sustainability

SIV Impact is dedicated to supporting brands on their journey towards a sustainable supply chain. Our comprehensive approach, strategic partnerships, and innovative solutions ensure that we deliver significant value at every step.

SIV Impact creates value for brands by strengthening compliance management, enhancing traceability with Trustrace and enhancing brand reputation. Our holistic approach ensures that brands not only meet their sustainability goals but also achieve long-term success and leadership in the marketplace.

  • 1. Strengthening Compliance Management

    We ensure that brands meet all regulatory requirements and maintain high standards across their supply chains. Our robust compliance management framework protects brands from legal and financial risks, enhances their reputation, and fosters consumer trust.

    2. Enhancing Traceability & Regulatory Compliance

    Our partnership with Trustrace equips us with advanced traceability solutions. By providing complete visibility into the origin and journey of materials and products, we ensure regulatory compliance and enable brands to make informed and responsible decisions. This transparency builds consumer trust and loyalty, driving brand value.

    3. Building Climate Resiliency

    SIV Impact helps brands create climate-resilient supply chains by assessing vulnerabilities and implementing adaptive strategies. We secure sustainable sources of materials, diversify supply bases, and invest in resilient infrastructure, ensuring operational stability and sustainability in the face of climate change.

    4. Optimizing Resource Management

    We provide comprehensive solutions for efficient management of energy, waste, water, and chemistry. By implementing best practices and leveraging innovative technologies, we help brands optimize resource use, reduce waste, and manage chemicals responsibly. This not only lowers costs but also minimizes environmental impact, contributing to overall sustainability.

    5. Driving Innovation and Custom Solutions

    Understanding that each brand has unique needs and challenges, we develop tailored solutions that align with specific sustainability goals and business objectives. Our focus on innovation ensures that brands stay ahead of industry trends and regulatory changes, positioning them as leaders in sustainability.

Nature & Biodiversity

Nature, valued at $44 trillion, is vital for over half of the world’s GDP but is rapidly depleting, potentially causing a $225 billion GDP loss by 2030. This alarming rate of depletion underscores the critical need for businesses to recognize the intrinsic value of nature and water, which are often undervalued. This undervaluation leads to inefficient use and poses significant economic risks.

SIV Impact helps companies navigate these challenges by mapping their value chains, identifying dependencies on ecosystem services, and developing nature strategies aligned with disclosure requirements. We provide practical steps and foster partnerships essential for integrating nature into decision-making processes, ensuring sustainable growth.

  • Our services support clients across the entire business lifecycle and at all organizational levels, including:

    • Building Business Strategies: We assist in crafting strategies that finance the transition to a sustainable economy.

    • Creating Sustainable Products and Supply Chains: Our expertise helps develop products and supply chains that prioritize sustainability.

    • Developing Physical Assets Sustainably: We guide the sustainable development of physical assets.

    • Integrating Sustainability into Daily Operations: Our approach ensures that sustainability is embedded into everyday business practices.

    By addressing the critical importance of nature and biodiversity, SIV Impact enables companies to achieve long-term resilience and sustainable growth, aligning with new regulatory landscapes and global sustainability goals.

Net zero & Decarbonization

Achieving net zero and decarbonization is crucial for mitigating climate change and ensuring a sustainable future. At SIV Impact, we support brands in their journey towards net zero by providing comprehensive services that encompass measurement, reduction, reporting, and offsetting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Our strategic approach, informed by industry best practices and supported by our partnerships, ensures that brands can effectively navigate the complexities of carbon reduction.

  • SIV Impact’s Approach to Decarbonization

    1. Baseline Assessment and Goal Setting We start by assessing the current carbon footprint, including Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. This baseline allows us to set measurable and traceable targets for reduction. By understanding where emissions are highest, we can prioritize actions that will have the greatest impact.

    2. Crafting a Decarbonization Playbook Each client receives a tailored decarbonization playbook that includes specific actions, defined milestones, and tactical targets. This strategic document guides the company through practical steps to achieve their carbon reduction goals.

    3. Implementation and Monitoring We help implement the decarbonization strategies, offering support in areas such as energy efficiency improvements, process optimization, and renewable energy integration. Regular monitoring and transparent reporting ensure that progress is tracked and communicated effectively to stakeholders.

    4. Carbon Offsetting and Clean Energy Projects For emissions that cannot be eliminated, we provide options for carbon offsetting through certified projects. Our services include sourcing high-quality carbon credits and clean energy certificates, ensuring that offset projects align with the company’s sustainability goals.