Strategic Partnerships.

SIV Impact’s strategic partnerships with TrusTrace and Peftrust significantly enhance our capabilities to deliver value to brands in their sustainability and compliance journeys. These partnerships equip us with advanced tools and expertise to support brands in achieving their sustainability goals and maintaining regulatory compliance

Sharla Settlemeir, CSO, SIV Impact Inc.


TrusTrace is a leading platform for supply chain traceability and compliance data management, particularly for the fashion, footwear, and textile industries. It provides brands with the tools to source primary data, conduct due diligence, and actively trace millions of data transactions within their supply chains. Here’s how TrusTrace adds value:​

  • TrusTrace enables brands to centralize their supply chain data, allowing for real-time tracking and verification of materials from suppliers. This ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and enhances transparency across the supply chain​​​​.

  • By integrating with lifecycle assessment tools and other intelligence databases, TrusTrace helps brands measure and improve the sustainability impact of their products. This comprehensive data management supports ESG initiatives and helps brands achieve their sustainability targets​​​​.

  • The platform’s ability to screen for supply chain risks, including forced labor prevention, helps brands mitigate potential compliance issues. Automated data validation and AI-powered traceability solutions ensure that brands can maintain a high standard of ethical sourcing and production​​​​.

  • TrusTrace’s scalable platform can handle high-volume traceability programs, making it suitable for brands of all sizes. Its seamless integration with existing supply chain software ensures that brands can easily adopt and benefit from the platform’s capabilities


PEFTRUST specializes in providing advanced Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools that are crucial for measuring and minimizing the environmental footprint of products. Here’s how PEFTRUST contributes to brand value:

  • PEFTRUST offers detailed environmental impact assessments covering the entire product lifecycle, from raw material extraction to end-of-life disposal. This helps brands identify key areas for improvement and implement effective sustainability strategies​​.

  • By creating digital LCAs, PEFTRUST ensures that brands have access to precise, real-time data on their environmental impacts. This digital approach enhances transparency and supports accurate sustainability reporting, which is increasingly demanded by consumers and regulators​​​​.

  • The insights provided by PEFTRUST’s assessments enable brands to make data-informed decisions, optimize their processes, and reduce their environmental footprint. This not only helps in achieving sustainability goals but also improves operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness​​​​.

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